Monday, April 17, 2006

Vad jobbar folk med?
Det är viktigt med säkerhet. Ingen får skada sig, inget får hända. Om man får en skråma på fingret finns inga plåster att hämta, man måste gå till sjukstugan i hus 23. Imorgon är det 100 år sedan stora jordbävningen så man kan förstå att det är en vits att vara noga med en hel del detaljer.

Själv tycker jag att det är viktigt att vi håller forkningen på topp. Skriver bra papper och tacklar viktiga problem.

Idag så får alla på EETD följande viktiga uppmaning:

*Elevator Etiquette – an Update*

We are all aware (either consciously or unconsciously) of standard elevator etiquette – that is when in an elevator with strangers one does not look at others or say more than a few words, but rather one is quiet and either averts one’s eyes or focuses one’s attention on some presumably interesting part of the elevator itself, usually the indicator of what floor the elevator is on.
The _update_ refers to a specific piece of LBNL etiquette – one does not post signs, flyers, or seminar announcements in or near elevators.
Q. Well, that’s a bummer as I read (or more accurately, pretend to read) seminar announcements that are posted in elevators as an acceptable alternative to averting my eyes or staring at the floor indicator. There must have been some specific incident that triggered this update. What happened?

A. Some EETD-related flyers were posted by a person or persons unknown in elevators in the Building 50 complex. We were contacted by the Laboratory Director’s office to let us know that that such announcements should not be posted in or near elevators in the future.


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